Set of technical and legal procedures for the regularization of properties in the national territory, taking into account the documentary requirements for the titling of their owners and the development of social and economic functions.
Land tenure regularization is carried out by complying with a series of laws, which require technical and practical activities such as, for example, the georeferencing of the property, and administrative, such as the issuance of the Rural Property Registration Certificate (CCIR), dismemberment or unification of land. enrollments, among others.
Land tenure is necessary for any type of transaction or business that may involve the asset, such as buying and selling. Likewise, it is a requirement for projects of economic exploitation of the property, such as forest management and carbon credit projects.
Set of technical and legal procedures for the regularization of properties in the national territory, taking into account the documentary requirements for the titling of their owners and the development of social and economic functions.
Land tenure regularization is carried out by complying with a series of laws, which require technical and practical activities such as, for example, the georeferencing of the property, and administrative, such as the issuance of the Rural Property Registration Certificate (CCIR), dismemberment or unification of land. enrollments, among others.
Land tenure is necessary for any type of transaction or business that may involve the asset, such as buying and selling. Likewise, it is a requirement for projects of economic exploitation of the property, such as forest management and carbon credit projects.
O Monitoramento Ambiental, obrigação imposta para o acompanhamento da evolução dos projetos de restauração florestal, é uma prática que vem sendo cada dia mais exigida das empresas que causam impactos ao meio ambiente. Confira os passos do Método Index para um Monitoramento Ambiental de projetos de Recuperação Florestal de qualidade em nosso novo e-book!
Toda atividade antrópica que transforma, danifica ou destrói as condições originais do meio ambiente possui o ônus da recuperação ambiental. Tal obrigação emana de um dos princípios do direito ambiental brasileiro, o princípio do poluidor-pagador, o qual reconhece que os danos ambientais causados pelas atividades antrópicas devem ser compensados. A compensação visa restabelecer da melhor forma possível as condições originais do meio impactado.
O monitoramento ambiental de projetos de restauração florestal é uma obrigação imposta para o acompanhamento de projetos, e o uso de geotecnologia permite a ampliação do alcance do monitoramento e a geração de um número maior de dados, reduzindo custos e aprimorando as análises.