Various human activities necessary for the development of society transform, damage or destroy the original conditions of the environment. To obtain the necessary license for its development, the entrepreneurs responsible for such activities assume the burden of restoring the degraded area, returning to society, as far as possible, the original environmental qualities of that environment.
The task of restoring the original characteristics of a modified environment is not simple, after all, it is a diverse and dynamic environment. The work must follow a detailed technical project, which must respect local conditions and specificities, in order to guarantee the best recovery. The execution of the project must be carried out in the best possible way and with intensive monitoring, in order to ensure that it respects the technical specifications of the project.
The duty to recover degraded areas is widely promoted by Brazilian legislation, especially by the Federal Constitution of 1988 and the National Environment Policy, Law 6.938 of 1981. The Forest Code (Law 12.651 of 2012), in the same sense, highlights in several articles, obligations related to the recovery of degraded areas, both for the government and for society in general.
Various human activities necessary for the development of society transform, damage or destroy the original conditions of the environment. To obtain the necessary license for its development, the entrepreneurs responsible for such activities assume the burden of restoring the degraded area, returning to society, as far as possible, the original environmental qualities of that environment.
The task of restoring the original characteristics of a modified environment is not simple, after all, it is a diverse and dynamic environment. The work must follow a detailed technical project, which must respect local conditions and specificities, in order to guarantee the best recovery. The execution of the project must be carried out in the best possible way and with intensive monitoring, in order to ensure that it respects the technical specifications of the project.
The duty to recover degraded areas is widely promoted by Brazilian legislation, especially by the Federal Constitution of 1988 and the National Environment Policy, Law 6.938 of 1981. The Forest Code (Law 12.651 of 2012), in the same sense, highlights in several articles, obligations related to the recovery of degraded areas, both for the government and for society in general.
Environmental Monitoring, an obligation imposed to monitor the evolution of forest restoration projects, is a practice that has been increasingly demanded by companies that cause impacts on the environment. Check out the steps of the Index Method for Environmental Monitoring of quality Forest Recovery projects in our new e-book!
Environmental Monitoring, an obligation imposed to monitor the evolution of forest restoration projects, is a practice that has been increasingly demanded by companies that cause impacts on the environment. Check out the steps of the Index Method for Environmental Monitoring of quality Forest Recovery projects in our new e-book!
Every anthropic activity that transforms, damages or destroys the original conditions of the environment has the burden of environmental recovery. Such an obligation emanates from one of the principles of Brazilian environmental law, the polluter-pays principle, which recognizes that the environmental damage caused by human activities must be compensated. The compensation aims to reestablish the original conditions of the impacted environment in the best possible way.
The environmental monitoring of forest restoration projects is an obligation imposed for the monitoring of projects, and the use of geotechnology allows the extension of the monitoring scope and the generation of a larger number of data, reducing costs and improving the analyzes.
Every anthropic activity that transforms, damages or destroys the original conditions of the environment has the burden of environmental recovery. Such an obligation emanates from one of the principles of Brazilian environmental law, the polluter-pays principle, which recognizes that the environmental damage caused by human activities must be compensated. The compensation aims to reestablish the original conditions of the impacted environment in the best possible way.
The environmental monitoring of forest restoration projects is an obligation imposed for the monitoring of projects, and the use of geotechnology allows the extension of the monitoring scope and the generation of a larger number of data, reducing costs and improving the analyzes.