Air Imaging is the recording of photographs and videos of a region using equipment such as drones and UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles).
Aerial Imaging must meet the specifications of General Requirements for Unmanned Aircraft for Civil Use (Resolution No. 419, of May 2, 2017), of the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC), with a vehicle that has regular legal documentation. This regulation expresses that the vehicle’s weight must be less than or equal to 25kg and fly at a maximum of 400 feet (121.92 m) above the ground. Conditions higher than these limits may be carried out by vehicles with a license and license issued by ANAC. The taking of photographs and videos must follow a well-planned procedure to cover the entire area of interest, with ideal quality for further analysis.
Having an image record of the conditions of an area is the first step towards several processes of regularization and environmental management. This service is an important support to achieve main objectives such as regularization, registration update and licensing. In addition, an Aerial Imaging is the basic process for the aerophotogrammetry procedure, for large-scale mapping and extraction of metric information from the areas of interest.
Aerial Imaging is the recording of photographs and videos of a region using equipment such as drones and UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles).
Aerial Imaging must meet the specifications of General Requirements for Unmanned Aircraft for Civil Use (Resolution No. 419, of May 2, 2017), of the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC), with a vehicle that has regular legal documentation. This regulation expresses that the vehicle’s weight must be less than or equal to 25kg and fly at a maximum of 400 feet (121.92 m) above the ground. Conditions higher than these limits may be carried out by vehicles with a license and license issued by ANAC. The taking of photographs and videos must follow a well-planned procedure to cover the entire area of interest, with ideal quality for further analysis.
Having an image record of the conditions of an area is the first step towards several processes of regularization and environmental management. This service is an important support to achieve main objectives such as regularization, registration update and licensing. In addition, an Aerial Imaging is the basic process for the aerophotogrammetry procedure, for large-scale mapping and extraction of metric information from the areas of interest.
O Monitoramento Ambiental, obrigação imposta para o acompanhamento da evolução dos projetos de restauração florestal, é uma prática que vem sendo cada dia mais exigida das empresas que causam impactos ao meio ambiente. Confira os passos do Método Index para um Monitoramento Ambiental de projetos de Recuperação Florestal de qualidade em nosso novo e-book!
Toda atividade antrópica que transforma, danifica ou destrói as condições originais do meio ambiente possui o ônus da recuperação ambiental. Tal obrigação emana de um dos princípios do direito ambiental brasileiro, o princípio do poluidor-pagador, o qual reconhece que os danos ambientais causados pelas atividades antrópicas devem ser compensados. A compensação visa restabelecer da melhor forma possível as condições originais do meio impactado.
O monitoramento ambiental de projetos de restauração florestal é uma obrigação imposta para o acompanhamento de projetos, e o uso de geotecnologia permite a ampliação do alcance do monitoramento e a geração de um número maior de dados, reduzindo custos e aprimorando as análises.